
You can view the map of Veldus with a little bit of work.

Hlorn’s Praise

This continent and surrounding islands are known as Hlorn’s Praise. It is said of all of the continents on Veldus, this was Hlorn’s favorite.

Lothina’s Forest

This forest is located between modern-day Dynnt and The Vast Desert, and is Lothina’s favorite. It is rumored she often spends her time walking through the forest. The forest is extremely large and dangerous. There are many unique beasts and dangerous rivers. While traveling through the forest it is difficult to forage your own food, and people often get lost.

A kingdom of wood elves lives within Lothina’s forest. No one is exactly sure where within the forest they are, but they do not like outsiders. It is said they are very attuned with nature and it’s beasts.

The Vast Desert

Not much is known about The Vast Desert, but the region is a hot, dry desert and the people are almost exclusively nomadic. They tend to be unfriendly towards outsiders and have never shown interest in trade. People who explore The Vast Desert often do not return home. The only notable location is :ref:` Bloody River`.

White Peaks

This mountain range cuts through the middle of Hlorn’s Praise, creating a natural barrier between Dynnt and Belrd. The White Peaks is home to many dwarf clans and many more goblin and orc clans.